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3 Lessons Learned as an Ensono IBM Z Engineer Summer Intern



Looking back, I will admit that I was a little late in the process of applying for an internship. I had no idea what I was looking for. I was just hoping to get some good experience in the technology field somewhere close to home. I received an offer from the Ensono Internship Academy and in the weeks leading up to the internship, I was excited to start learning new things and meeting new people.

My manager shares his knowledge and experience every time we meet over Microsoft Teams. He is a very supportive manager that spent most of the first weeks of my internship, explaining to me as much as he could about the company, mainframes, my projects, a mainframe reporting tool I would be using, and much more. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I had no idea where to begin; it was so much information to process. In every meeting he would add things for me to work on and I’d just take one task at a time. Before I knew it, I had completed my first task, a Python code that reads in a sub-capacity report generated by the Sub-Capacity Reporting Tool (SCRT).

Although I’ve learned a lot about mainframes and technology, I think the most important lessons I’ve learned thus far are the general life lessons that I believe anyone could use to be successful in any work environment.

1. Make your interview a two-way conversation

One of these lessons I learned is that the interview process should be mutual. Not only is the employer interviewing you, but you are interviewing them, asking relevant questions on the role, and the company. Use your interview time to make sure the job is a good fit for you  to ensure you end up in the right place/role. I just completed my sophomore year of college, so I still have two years left before I graduate and enter the workforce. As I’m gaining more experience in the corporate world, I’m starting to discover what I like and what I don’t like.

2. Your ideas have merit – own them!

During my internship I have learned to stand by my solutions and ideas. I’ve come to understand that in technology there are a lot of different ways to accomplish the same thing, and if my solution is effective, I should not be shy about advocating for it. Having leadership that supports me and my ideas has given me a lot of room to learn, grow, and make my own mistakes. It’s also pushed me to speak up when I encounter a problem.

3. The time to start networking is now

Another accomplishment I’ve achieved is growing my LinkedIn network and connecting with people that work for Ensono. My mentor gave me many contacts within and outside my department, and through my meetings with them I learned a little about them and what they do at Ensono. In addition to helping with my projects, most were happy to connect on LinkedIn and help grow my professional network.

I believe that documenting and sharing my experiences and interactions is a helpful way for me to stop and reflect on this great opportunity. Interning has been a great start to my career, and I can’t wait to finish the internship and see all the other things I’m going to learn and achieve.

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