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Microservices Development

Introduce simplicity, agility, and freedom into your tech stack.

Unlock greater flexibility with a microservice architecture

Microservice architectures introduce a deeper level of simplicity, agility and freedom to your tech stack than is possible with a monolithic architecture, making them a popular choice for complex tech stacks, ecommerce ecosystems, and more.

That’s because they’re built using an array of individual applications that are coupled using a MACH approach to integrations (Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native, and Headless). This provides heightened choice and agency over each individual component of a tech stack, allowing companies to build or buy the most tailored solutions to each individual need.

Ensono: expert-driven microservice development services

Ensono offers cloud-native microservice development services that deliver maximum agency for our customers. We give you access to hundreds of best-of-breed microservices designs that we help create, test, and deploy across new systems to grow your capabilities and enhance your legacy platform. This starts by working with clients to deconstruct their legacy system design, and finding opportunities to simplify and segment it into manageable, loosely coupled microservices. 

We’re one of the few consultancies in the world with extensive experience implementing and scaling high-availability microservices in the cloud, and for multiple brands.

Our unique approach to assembling, deploying, and integrating microservice design gives you the flexibility to build and change individual applications and connections across your tech ecosystem with ease. This gives you the opportunity and freedom to scale and flex in the specific applications that you need to meet customer and employee demands, or swap out capabilities as needed with minimum risk.

Ready to learn more about Ensono’s microservices development?

More choice and better control with microservice architecture

Total agility and flexibility

With a microservice architecture, companies can buy or build out new services independently. This enables companies to be more agile in how they construct and upgrade their tech stacks, while also affording unparalleled flexibility in each individual component. They can choose to develop their own applications or buy off the shelf, and can reliably stitch them together using a MACH approach to integrations.

Build your own proposition over time. Scale to meet immediate and long-term customer demands. Pivot to meet unforeseen changes. Flex in the areas that require dedicated experiences, and buy off the shelf in areas that need stability. The choice and flexibility is yours.

Ensono awards sitting on a desk

Complete choice and autonomy

Step away from long contracts and vendor lock-ins that are often associated with monolithic, legacy platforms. While these platforms do afford a certain level of stability, they box you into their way of constructing a tech stack, reducing choice and autonomy.

Microservices give you back that choice. They offer far better resiliency and scalability to meet immediate and long-term customer demands. And cloud-based applications and platforms are able to withstand the demands of peak activity without breaking. More choice over your tech stack, and the scale and stability of cloud-based architectures. That’s the benefit of microservices.

Ensono employees at a conference table

Deeper control and resilience

Resilience is vital to any business platform. Resilience to spikes in demand. Resilience to changing customer demands. And resilience to technological advancements. In all respects, tech stacks need to be resilient and stable to ensure peak performance for your business.

Microservice architectures provide this resilience by giving you control over how you construct and connect your tech stack. Each individual component can be chosen and optimized to meet the demands of your market and customers, and a powerful MACH approach to integrations can be used to ensure that each application plays well as a connected ecosystem.

Client success with microservices

Cloud migration resources

Unlock seamless cloud migration processes with our expert insights and thought leadership.

Microservices to reach the future faster